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UofT Kendo Tournament COVID‑19 Update

Dear JCCC Kendo Club members,

Please see the following message from the UofT Kendo Club regarding the upcoming tournament during the coronavirus COVID-19 situation.


JCCC Kendo Club

Dear All,

This email is to confirm that the tournament will still be taking place on Saturday, March 14th, 2020 despite the situation regarding the Coronavirus.

If you are feeling sick and/or have a cough, headache, or fever, we highly suggest that you do not attend the tournament. Please let us know if this is the case and we will refund your registration fee.

If you are attending:

Avoid contact with people who are sickPlease wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizerSneeze and cough into your sleeveAvoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth

We would also like to remind all Yondan and up Shimpan that a Shimpan meeting will take place in the Sports Gym at 9:00 AM with Chief Judge Dave Mori Sensei.

Please see the following full-day schedule:

The building officially opens at 8:30 AM to allow participants to enter.

Registration and Shimpan Meeting starting at - 9:00 AM

Opening Ceremony - 9:30 AM

First match - 9:45 AM

Lunch - 12:00 PM

Afternoon Games Begin - 1:00 PM

Building doors lock at 5:00 PM because of Saturday early closure, no re-entry for public 

Awards Ceremony - 6:30 PM

After Party - Madison Avenue Pub reserved for 7:00 PM (Athletic Centre must be cleared by 8:00 PM)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


Executives UofT Kendo Club

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