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May 17, 2022
JCCC Kendo: June-July Period - DEADLINE FRI MAY 20
Registration has opened for the next period from June – July 2022. If you have not already received an email from the JCCC and wish to...
Apr 3, 2020
JCCC Update
Hello JCCC Kendo Members, I hope everyone is well and in good health. Update: The JCCC announced that it will remain closed (see formal...
Mar 28, 2020
Cancellation of JCCC Junior Kendo Tournament
Dear Kendo Community, Given the current COVID-19 situation and in the best interest and safety of the members of our Kendo community, we...
Mar 16, 2020
JCCC Closing on Monday, until April 6th
Dear JCCC Kendo Members, Due to the changing levels of concern and in accordance with public health directives, the JCCC board held an...
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